I used to rely heavily on the Fox 5 Weather app for tracking weather and reliable reporting. Since the update to this new format both have suffered. On occasion you can reopen it when its running in the background and it doesnt update. I then have to shut it down (swipe it up) completely and restart it to get it to update. I can open the app on both my iPhone and iPad and have two different forecasts. How is this even possible? Ads are totally annoying, especially on an iPad. I know they were there before but they stand out more now or are bigger.( Ive heard the channel 4 app does not have ads) Finally, I know this is not a fault of the app, but the weather forecasts are way off. Everyone else is saying 5-8 inches of snow and the app says "some snow likely". Really!!
yacketyjack about FOX 5 Washington DC: Weather